Our Staff / Administration
Direct Number for Northport Housing Authority--205-752-8171
Board of Commissioners
Jim T. Handley, Chairman
Glenn Crow, Vice Chairman
Gwendolyn Little, Commissioner
Lyda Black, Commissioner
J.W. Arendale, Commissioner
Ruby N. Burton, CPM
CEO/Executive Director
Mamie Henry, Senior Public Housing Manager--mle1@northporthousingauthority.org
Tameka Robinson, Administrative Assistant for Public Housing
Rhonda Horton, Section 8 Manager--section8@northporthousingauthority.org and s8front@northporthousingauthority.org Tel# 205-759-1827
Delois Stewart, Assistant Section 8 Manager--s8assistantmanager@northporthousingauthority.org
Lisa Jones, Section 8 Receptionist--specialprograms@northporthousingauthority.org
Yolanda Woodard, Accounts Payable
Susan Kelley, Administrative Assistant
Selwyn Caine, Maintenance Supervisor
Alex Labhart, Lead Mechanic 1
Roderick Richards, Mechanic
Michael Moore, Mechanic
Trae Jefferson, Mechanic Assistant
Mark Curington, Laborer
Ricky Blaine, Laborer
Mark Hogan, Groundskeeper
Resident Advisory Board Members
Gwendolyn Little, Chairperson
Victoria Ellis, Vice Chairperson
Agnes Elliott, Secretary
Mary Desmond, Member
Bonnie Jones, Member
Mission Statement
The goals and objectives of the Housing Authority of the City of Northport is to provide above decent, safe sanitary and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment free from discrimination while we serve the needs of low income families. We will maintain an overall occupancy rate of 98% in our Public Housing and 100% in Section 8 Programs.
Goals & Objectives
The Primary Mission of the Housing Authority of the City of Northport is to promote adequate and affordable Housing, Economic opportunity and a suitable living environment free from discrimination as we serve the needs of low, very low and extremely low income families in our jurisdiction.
Legal Notice
The Housing Authority of the City of Northport will distribute applications {Via US Mail Only} for the Public Housing Program beginning Friday, July 24, 2020, thru Friday July 31,2020. Applications will only be mailed to potential Applicants {upon request via telephone (205) 752-7181} and/or email mle@northporthousingauthority.org} on the dates and time specified above and must be completed and returned to the Main Office {VIA US Mail or the Authority's Night Deposit Box} located @ 3500 West Circle, Suite 39, Northport, Al 35476, no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, August 7, 2020.}
Applicants must specifically apply for the public housing units (located within our West Circle, Stonebrooke, Knoll Circle, Northgate Circle, Valley Hill, 15th Street Court and/or a single family dwelling located within a selection of subdivision {Specifically identified in the application packet} within the Northport City Limits. Public Housing recipients' subsidy is tied directly to the unit. Individuals requiring Special Accommodations must contact the Authority at (205) 752-7181.
Equal Housing Opportunity
In addition, the Authority will suspend its application distribution process at 4:00 p.m. Friday, July 31, 2020, and close its Reception process at 4:00 p.m. Friday, August 7, 2020.
Run Dates July 24 - August 7, 2020--The Authority's Website & Digital Board located at the Main Office of the Authority, 3500 West Circle, Suite 39, Northport, Al 35476.